Okay...here it goes.
I love the Olsen twins. And I may or may not have seen like every movie they were ever in. More like may...okay, totally have.
I think it started when I was little and would watch TGIF with my step sisters. When shows would come on we would quickly say who we were going to "be" while the show was on. Think credits rolling...my oldest step sister would loudly announce, "I'm DJ," when Candace Cameron appeared on the screen. My other step sister would always F'in jump in and claim Jodie Sweeten before I got a chance to. (But really, who's laughin' now...she turned out to be a meth addict...Jodie Sweeten. Not my step sister. Although, I haven't talked to her in a few years so don't take me at my word on that one.) Anyway, I was always stuck being Michelle, which meant I was Mary-Kate and Ashley...or both. I'm not sure how the rules worked. I hated it. I wasn't an effing baby, but at some point things turned around. It may have been To Grandmother's House We Go or Double, Double, Toil and Trouble. I can't quite be sure. All I know is they hooked me. I can't get enough. And if we ever watch Full House together, don't even try "be" Michelle. I'm her. You can be Aunt Becky or something.
I've loved Mary-Kate and Ashley forever. Seriously, I had their cassette tape and their detective videos.
It was that bad.
I used to liek them, but i can't stand the twins anymore. I just want them to eat mainly lol
Jill: I want them to eat, but I still love them. Like, I would take them out for a sandwich.
Jaime: See, you know what I mean!
I used to love Mary-Kate and Ashley. I still have to watch Double, Double Toil and Trouble every Halloween and Grandmother's House We Go at Christmas. I mean they are classics!
They used to do that thing where they were detectives.... I LOVED that! I wanted to BE them. I had a spy notebook and everything...
Emma: Right? Total classics!
Amanda: There is no "ed" behind the want. I want to be them now. Something tells me that they have retired from the detective business though.
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