Cuddle Gate 2009. Yeah, we had a layover in Pittsburgh for about two hours and the second the train stopped I was out of there. Not that I was in a race to do nothing at the train station...I was just in a race to do nothing at the train station away from my train buddy. Sad thing is that the Pittsburgh train station is about the size of my studio apartment. Well, this is what I had to say about the experience:

The rest of the train trip was uneventful. Long and uneventful. Just like I wanted. I will leave you with the highlights of my trip home because you don't want to read all the details and I don't want to type them:
- I lounged around at my dad's house...a lot, which was basically awesome.
- My dad plays an embarrassing amount of Spider Solitaire on his computer. After a few days I found myself rushing to the computer to play it.
- I had a sleep over with my grandparents.
- I went with my grandparents to get them hearing aids.
- My grandmother scolded the hearing aid lady and said, "You really don't need to scream at us." This was once she got the hearing aid in and on. Awesome thing was that the woman was actually talking quietly.
- Learned that my grandfather LOVES flipping through the channels on the television NON STOP! This is a little lie because he did stop a few times and once was after about 100 channels. He stopped...on the Spanish. My grandfather doesn't speak a lick of Spanish. He may be thinking of learning though. Watching Spanish television may be his way of immersing himself in the language.
- My brother and sister-in-law came the day before Thanksgiving.
- Baked a kick ass pumpkin cheesecake
- Ate and drank too much on Thanksgiving
- May have gotten slightly drunk, but was overshadowed by my uncle who definitely got drunk.
- Played LCR and now I want a set of LCR dice so bad
- Got no pity during LCR when I proclaimed, "Remember, I have no job. I need money."
- Went to the beach. Yes, the Jersey Shore, but without the spiked hair and spray tans.
- Had some great talks with my dad.
- Played about ten rounds of Catch Phrase with my family. Young People vs. Old People.
- Young People kicked ass.
- Laughed my ass off when my cousin Keirsten was trying to get us to guess "Detroit Tigers," and gave the clue, "capitol of Michigan." (She is a high school teacher.)
- Oh, and when she was trying to get us to guess tiger she yelled, "God dammit another cat name!" after we guess, "Lion, jaguar, panther..."
- Threw up in my mouth watching zit porn. (Be. Warned.)
- Enjoyed a relatively boring train trip home and no one tried to molest me.
- I did have to listen to a crazy man who didn't pick up on social queues of when to stop talking to strangers. He went as far as to tell this 80 year old woman that he loved her and was so happy they met. He gave her a hug and over his shoulders she rolled her eyes at me.
- She became my hero.
- Developed a disdain for Pittsburgh after my four hour lay over there.
- Found out that the entire "city" of Pittsburgh shuts down at 9pm.
- Took a cab home and was reminded why I love Chicago as we drove down Lake Shore Drive during the sunrise.
- Realized that New Jersey will forever hold a special place in my heart and I will always love it, but Chicago is my soul mate.

Gorgeous picture!
Did you see any guidos on the beach?
Amanda- thank you. i can not take credit for it at all. i pulled it from:
Kate- no guidos. tragic.
Hey... just wanted to say thanks.. just saw the nomination!! You're so awesome, and I'm honored.
Love that picture!
You and Chicago... I love it, Ems...
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