Thursday, October 29, 2009

trying to get to the bottom of things...

I am just going to begin by saying that the entire contents of this post may be completely inappropriate or way more information then you want or need to know about me. But, this mouth isn't filtered. Sorry. Deal with it.

I called my older brother last night to chat. I text him earlier in the day and he said he would call me back. I was getting impatient, so I called him around 6pm. He said, "Oh weird. Don't do that again. I was just thinking that I forgot to call you back and then the phone rang." I'm pretty much a psychic...if you didn't know that. Just letting you know.

Anyway, we talked about our plans for Thanksgiving and then I interrupted him and said," Wait, real fast, can I ask you a question? I just started drinking coffee so I don't know if this is normal. Does your pee smell like coffee if that is all you drink for the morning? Normally my pee doesn't have a smell because I drink so much water, but today it totally smelled like coffee."

Brother is laughing uncontrollably.

I continued, "Like, I know your...or any one's pee smells weird if they eat asparagus or something like that, but does coffee do the same thing?"

Brother still laughing.

Me, "I'm serious." I start laughing.

He never really gave me an answer. He said, "Emily, you're a freak. What happens in your head?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I don't know. All I know is what happened in the toilet. And, it smelled like coffee.


Meg said...

I've never noticed it with coffee. Of course, I still drink a couple liters of water & such a day, so maybe that's why?

emily said...

Yeah, I'd never noticed it before. But, I haven't been drinking coffee for long. It may have been a freak thing. But, it was a strong coffee smell.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just stumbled over here from seeing a comment of yours on LiLu's page and I pretty much LOVE your blog. As if the 3,495 blogs in my Google Reader aren't enough reading material, I'm TOTALLY adding you right now. :-)

Jaime said...

A lot of things you eat and drink affect your bodily.... excretions. lol. Coffee and tea will, if you don't drink a lot of water, because they dehydrate you.

I don't know what the deal is with asparagus, though. That just freaks me out every time.

emily said...

Tabitha- Thanks! I try. I'm glad you like it.

Jaime- Right? What is up with asparagus?

adrienzgirl said...

Um....I never notice anything with coffee.

And only some people have the asparagus issue, has something to do with your genes.

e said...

No, I don;t think coffee does that to pee...I drink lots of though so I may not be the best judge. My pee smells like a field of pretty flowers on a cool autumn evening! :)

Sami said...

You know, every once in a while when I drink coffee, I'll notice it! So you're not crazy! (Well, not completely.) I'm not sure why it only happens sometimes, maybe it's the type of coffee I get. But it's weird...

Ric said...

Strong coffee the batch I make.... So, yeah...not very proud of it, tho :-/

emily said...

Sami and Ric, you just made my day! I am so excited I am not alone in this coffee urine issue.

Amandasaurus said...

Laughing out loud. I dunno, I've never had that experience. I just recently started drinking coffee, but, I don't think in concentrations great enough for my pee to smell like it.... if anything it would smell like all the extra flavors I put IN the coffee to make it taste less like coffee ^_^

O.F.C.J. said...

"All I know is what happened in the toilet. And it smelled like coffee."

