Friday, January 29, 2010


I am extraordinarily blessed to have some amazing people in my life. I had to just edit that sentence and take out my use of the word lucky and substitute it with blessed. I put a lot of stock into the belief that things happen for a reason. I think that we take our own path, but if something is supposed to happen or enter our will find us regardless of the path we take. And, I believe that to be true for friendships. I guess I know this to be true because my own life has been shaped by the friendships in my life. I can't imagine a life without the people I have around me. And as hippy dippy as it may sound, I know they came to me because they were meant to be there. I wouldn't be who I am without them.

I was sent this video by a good friend of mine this morning and it made me cry. It is just the sweetest thing AND I feel like it proves my point.

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